Standards of Practice

The purpose of the Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group Standards of Practice is to define the scope of practice for our professional certified hypnotherapists. We realize that a certain percentage of our members work with hypnosis as their primary vocation and others work with hypnosis as an adjunctive modality or “blend” with other professions such as: Reiki, Massage Therapy, Psychotherapy, Medical Professions, Dentistry and Holistic Healing, etc. In order to clarify the standards of practice for our members, the CCN Professional Group has adopted the following Standards and categories; three categories titled Scope I , Scope II and Scope III. The descriptive categories are as follows.

Scope I

Scope I refers to the Certified Hypnotherapist whose sole practice is hypnotherapy. These members are not licensed or certified in any other profession and are trained to work independently in the field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. These individuals are facilitators of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Their primary function is to assist clients in affecting change in areas of their life that are presently disruptive.

It is required that you have a disclosure form that includes the following: (All forms discussed below can be obtained through the Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group)

  • The hypnotherapist does not treat, prescribe for, or diagnosis any (MEDICAL) condition.
  • The hypnotherapist is a facilitator of hypnosis and hypnotherapy and is not practicing any other profession that requires a license under the laws and regulations of your state or province unless they are properly licensed in that field.
  • Hypnotherapy is not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological services or counseling.

These hypnotherapists are trained to work independently and also in a complimentary manner with physicians, counselors and health care professionals. When working with other professionals, the client is to sign and date a Records Release Form that gives the hypnotherapist and complimentary care professional(s) permission to discuss their case.

For cases in which clients seek hypnosis for concerns that involve medical issues or treatment that requires psychotherapy (e.g. for psychotherapy; in some cases general relaxation may be helpful), the complimentary health or mental health care professional is required to sign a from that gives consent for the treatment of hypnotherapy as an adjunctive modality to the already established professional treatment.

In medical situations, have your client ask their physician for a prescription for Hypnotherapy. This prescription can make a difference when working with insurance claims. Keep the original for your client’s file and have the client submit a copy to their insurance company for reimbursement.

The referring health or mental health care professional is to be informed as to their patient’s progress. Additionally, the client’s case history is to be discussed with their referring professional. Notes pertaining to these discussions are to be kept in your client’s file for professional records reference. Upon completion of these clients’ hypnotherapy sessions, remember to refer them back to their referring professional. Referring the client back to their referring professional builds rapport and encourages the development of trust and future referrals.

The hypnotherapist is required to make referrals to licensed health care providers, such as medical professionals, and psychotherapists, when applicable. Such situations may include new clients who are not under the care of health or mental health care professionals. These prospective clients may call to inquire about hypnosis for issues pertaining to drug and alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, medical conditions, and psychosis. Please refer to the laws and regulations of your state or province for dealing with any of the above-mentioned disorders or conditions.

Scope II

Scope II refers to the Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group Certified Hypnotherapist who works with hypnosis as a blend with other disciplines.

In the event that the Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group Certified Hypnotherapist has achieved educational training and has met the requirements that qualify him/her to practice other modalities such as Reiki, Massage Therapy, etc. You must be very clear about which modality you are practicing and when you are practicing it.

It is required that you have a statement of disclosure form that describes to your clients an explanation of the various techniques that you are qualified to practice. This document is to include a consent form, signed by the client to be kept in your file for all procedures used.

Scope III

Scope III refers to the Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group Certified Hypnotherapist who is licensed or certified by their state or province to practice medicine, nursing, psychotherapy, and/or theology, or a health care or human service professional. These members should follow the rules and regulations that are required for their profession by their state or province.

The CLINICAL HYPNOSIS PROFESSIONAL GROUP encourages its members to be clear about their Standards of Practice and Scope as it is important to present hypnotherapy in an ethical and professional manner. Sample Disclosure, Referral and Record Release Forms, etc., can be purchased through The Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group. Please call (586) 899-9009.